Sunday, April 1, 2012

Usborne Books

Samatha Mc Gahon, like most parents, reads to her children at bedtime to encourage them to explore the world of fairytales and fiction and develop their imaginations.  Studies show that children who read from an early age are more likely to excel at school and beyond.  "Reading is knowledge, knowledge is power", is one of the better known sayings and nothing could be truer.

One of the books that Samantha read to her son was a well worn copy of an Usborne Publishing book, and Samantha delighted in watching her son grow from being excited at having stories read to him to reading for himself.  Stories for Boys became so worn from use that it now sits on a shelf in the house, held together with sellotape and glue.  The condition of this book is in itself a good indication of the quality of the book.

Samantha wanted to return to work but faced the dilema of being a full-time mum, until she happened upon an Usborne Christmas event, where she took away a brochure and discovered that there were opportunities available to promote and sell the entire catalogue of Usborne titles.  A starter pack soon arrived and Samantha was equipped with all the tools to get a business up and running.   She attended an Usborne Gala and Conference in January, which made her feel part of a much larger organisation and gave her the confidence she needed, in knowing that there was support available.

The business model is based on book parties, where the hosts invite other parents to their home to look through the available books in relaxed surroundings.  Since establishing her business in 2010, Samantha has attended many of these book parties as well as book fairs, libraries and schools.  She is an affable character and is in her element when meeting the people with whom she can talk about and share her enthusiasm for books.  Her work has led her to meeting some of the authors of these wonderful books, right through to the curators of local libraries.  The feedback from the people she meets make this a rich and rewarding way for Samantha to earn a living and it also means she can do the school runs.

Her aim for 2012 is to expand the business and build a team to grow on the success attained thus far.
The diversity of the books in the Usborne collection is vast and range from picture and activity books, to educational maths books and books about science and dinosaurs, sharks and super heroes.  There is a title about almost every subject for every age from babies to teens. 

Samantha can be contacted through her Facebook Page or you can call her on 086 2577564
Just click on any of the above images for a larger version.  More pictures are available on the LoCo Happenings FlickR Gallery.

Editors Note

Books are empowering, they promote self awareness and development and provide the information for everyone to make educated decisions.  Reading is the most powerful thing you can do with your child.  It promotes mastery of language, helps with concentration, aptitude for learning and certainly lays down the basics for logical thought.  Most importantly it gives you as a parent another excuse to bond with your child, while lost in worlds inhabited by fairies, goblins and things that go bump in the night ... 

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