Saturday, March 17, 2012

Koo Kee

Some of you might notice that quite a number of the businesses featured on this blog are food based.  I have noticed this too.  And as the blog expands, my waistline is keeping up.
A few weeks back Pauline Clarke contacted me requesting a write-up and this morning I ventured to Mount Avenue in Dundalk to meet with Pauline and sample some of the cookies (Koo Kee - geddit ?) she had to offer.

Pauline explained that her love of baking started at an early age and that she worked in the food manufacturing industry before her family came along.  This experience has been invaluable in getting her own business up and running.  The food industry is highly regulated and Pauline has applied and indeed been licensed by the HSE among others for food production at home.  The Koo Kee packaging has also had to be certified and all ingredients and food values are included on the packaging.  The inside knowledge she had was instrumental in helping her get through the miles of red tape, before she was in a position to offer her KooKees to the public.

The inspiration for Kookee came after spending each Saturday morning baking cookies with her 3 children. Having given up a career to become a full time mum to her eldest son, who was diagnosed with a form of Autism, each Saturday became a ritual baking day, to involve all 3 children in a fun family task. After many weeks and lots of cookies, Pauline and her children started giving them as gifts to family and friends, and soon the friends started asking for some speciality orders, and offered to pay.  Eureka !!
Over the next few months Pauline perfected her recipies after deciding that this would be a wonderful way to care for her children and turn her hobby into a business.
So in 2009 she registered Kookee and tried out her products at farmers markets and craft fairs. As interest grew Pauline contacted the Louth County Enterprise board who helped her get ready to launch her business. 

Now in 2012 Kookee is going from strength to strength with 9 varieties including Gluten and Wheat  Free.  There is also an innovative new dry mix range which can be adapted by the consumer to be  Gluten and Wheat free that are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 

"Our products  range from Freshly baked cookies, Frozen uncooked dough for restaurants and deli counters and an easy make dry mix so you can create your own cookies at home.  Our ingredients are locally sourced, and are of the highest quality.  At Kookee we continuously try our own recipies and ensure that each and every one delivers a taste sensation".

Pauline's aim with KooKee is to bring quality and taste together to create an Irish Brand that stands the test of time.
Pauline would like to mention her husband and family, without whose support and enthusiasm she wouldn't be able to continue to go from strength to strength.

The Koo Kee range is available in a number of local cafe's and restaurants throughout the region and anybody interested in these should contact Pauline via her website or on her Facebook Page

Kookee is a family run Artisan business established in 2009, specialising in high quality cookies.

If you would like your business featured on the 
LoCo Happenings blog, please get in contact with us 
by phone 087 2557754  
Remember this is a FREE SERVICE - No Catches !!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Viviann's Gifts From The Heart

There are numerous home based businesses located throughout Co. Louth and the latest to have crossed my path is Viviann's Gifts From The Heart, located just north of Dundalk in Annaskeagh, Feade.

In a converted room at the side of Viviann's house is a workshop and showroom containing lovingly created creatures, toys, hearts and buntings, angels, dolls and pictures of inspirational art.  The showroom has been planned with care and each of Viviann's creations hang or sit on display to their best vantage.  It's easy to see the love she has for what she does in the meticulous attention she pays to the most minute of detail on each handmade piece.  Every item on display has its own character or personality.  As a photographer, this was very appealing to me and it has been one of the most enjoyable shoots I have done.  There was a photograph to be captured in every character in every corner of the room.

At the age of 12 in her native country Norway, Viviann discovered a talent for Arts and Crafts that has matured in parallel with her own personal growth.  She has an extensive stock of colourful and patterned fabrics, buttons, ribbons and other materials associated with craftwork in her workshop and  having the workshop at home means Viviann can keep her own hours and work when inspiration comes.  And it comes regularly. Viviann finds the creative process of actually making her crafts makes her happy, content and is almost an antidote to the stresses that life can bring.

The talent Viviann discovered at an early age was formalised when she was educated at a drawing school in Norway.  Sewing was one of the subjects she took there.  Her sewing skill is very evident in the teddies, dolls, bunnies and cats.  She then studied graphic design and mac design to finish her education and then worked as an art director for various advertising agencies.  After settling down in Ireland and now with three children, who are her priority, her home based craft business is ideal, allowing her to indulge in her passion while still being able to tend to her family.

Viviann's Gifts From The Heart can be contacted by phone 085 1478016 or you can contact Viviann via her Facebook page.  It's really a worthwhile trip out to Feede just to witness the delights in the showroom.  Click on any of the above pictures to see a bigger version, or click here to see more of Vivian's creations on the LoCo Happenings FlickR gallery.

If you would like your business featured on the 
LoCo Happenings blog, please get in contact with us 
by phone 087 2557754  
Remember this is a FREE SERVICE - No Catches !!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sweetheart Bakes

Most of the people I know find it hard to resist the temptation of sweet sticky confections, but some have the willpower to resist, at least some of the time.  I am one of those people.  Last Wednesday evening I walked into a kitchen in Knockbridge, half knowing my own will power would be challenged and I certainly didn't expect that I'd give in to temptation so easily.  The sweet smell of melted chocolate along with a visual feast of colour assaulted me immediately and I simply gave in.


Annemarie McNamee was expecting around 50 invitees for the official launch of Sweetheart Bakes and I arrived early to capture some photographs of herself and her fayre before she and they, all disappeared.

"Baking was something I always enjoyed and growing up I loved to bake with my Mum whenever I could so my love of baking came from her"

Annemarie worked in a pharmacy for almost 10 years before settling down and having twin girls and during that time found that baking has always helped to relax and relieve the tensions of everyday life.  Always willing to try something new, Annemarie bought every new baking book that was printed and read it cover to cover, before trying her hand at the new recipes they contained.

"Family and friends enjoyed my baking and often suggested that I should try and make a living from it.  So with my girls a little older now and at school, I had plenty of time to perfect my own ideas and recipes and I took my first steps at setting up my own business in home baking -  so "SWEETHEARTBAKES" was born!  Having a passion for baking makes it all so enjoyable". 


Annemarie specialises in Cupcakes, rich Chocolate Brownies and chunky Rocky Road as well as mini Cup Cakes.  Each of these are all personal favourites.  A fresh batch are baked daily with the finest quality ingredients and are hand crafted every morning to ensure they are beautiful and delicious.

Occasion Confection

Whether it's a birthday or christening, it's always nice to celebrate a special occasion with a cake.  Is there anybody who can resist a cake?  A Chocolate Celebration cake could be the answer ! A rich chocolate cake with frosting surrounded with chocolate cigarellos and topped with fresh raspberries. Maybe a light vanilla cake with frosting with white chocolate cigarellos, perfect for a christening, communion or even a wedding.

Sweetheart Bakes can take care of the sweet treats for any upcoming party or event.  Annemarie also has a selection of cupcake and cake stands that also can hold 'cake pops' (cake dipped in chocolate on a stick) for you to display these sweet treats to your guests, these can be colour co-ordinated to suit your party theme.

Certainly the display of colour and taste that greeted the guests at the Sweetheart Bakes launch during the week was impressive.  As well as the displays, there were sample trays of bite sized treats that didn't last too long.


If you are interested in contacting Annemarie, she would be delighted to receive a call from you.  Sweetheart Bakes can be contacted by calling 086-2934116 or on her Facebook Page.

More pictures of delicious confectionery from the Sweetheart Bakes range can be found by clicking on any of the photographs above or by clicking here to bring you to the LoCo Happening FlickR stream.

If you would like your business to feature on the 
LoCo Happening blog, kindly contact us by phone 
087 2557754 or email
Remember this is a Free Service - No Catches !!